8 Simple Steps on How to Find Happiness

You will find happiness in small things because happiness is with you. You will find happiness in small things because you are learning t...

You will find happiness in small things because happiness is with you. You will find happiness in small things because you are learning to be still and observant. You will find happiness in small things because your mind is becoming receptive. You will experience happiness in small things because you are being present to your current circumstances. Small things can carry great messages if you are attentive to them. Then small things will not aggravate you.

8 Simple Steps on How to find happiness
If you scan the self-help section at your local bookstore, you'll likely find many titles promising a variety of ways to achieve that simple yet seemingly endless quest: the pursuit of happiness. To find tried-and-true ways to lift spirits.

A state of happiness isn't a frantic trek. It's a slow journey of self-discovery. "It's all about how we handle the situations we are in, when we're in them,". With the right positive attitude and supportive people by your side, you can find contentment and happiness in everyday living -- you deserve it.

Ideally you would form a happiness habit for the morning, one during the day, and one before you sleep. This way you stay happy throughout the day. If your day is really busy then just do something every morning and every night. If even twice a day is too much, start with just on happiness habit a day – either morning or night. 

The good news is that while the road to happiness will be filled with twists and turns, you can learn how to find happiness with little steps that you can take every day.

Simple steps to find happiness

What does Happiness look like (how do you recognize when you find it)?
Happiness is free, no one to pay, nothing to buy. It has a lifetime guarantee (and even more), it is infinite in quantity and stable in quality. If your happiness is flickering, coming on and off, that’s not the right one yet. You may be getting close but have not reached yet. Keep searching.

Where Am I Right Now?

The only way I was able to move forward towards a happy life was by recognizing exactly where I was in my dark moments.  Learning how to find happiness only happens once you can figure out what is wrong with the present time. I recommend checking out my post if you’re asking yourself “Why Am I so Unhappy.” So you can get to the true root of the problem.

Once you take a good hard look at your life as it is today, it is easier to figure out what is missing. You need to create your own roadmap to move towards a different location. So ask yourself, “where am I now?” Try figuring out what about your life needs improvement.

How to find the most happiness

The first one I'm going to tell you from my life; I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead. Tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.

The long term changes in your psyche from just one repeated daily action is probably under-rated. After gratitude journalism for a few months, I started to experience sudden moments of pure joy that descended on me of the blue.

Put yourself first

Keeping yourself emotionally and physically healthy has a huge impact on the state of your happiness. McDonough suggests doing some form of physical exercise every day, whether it's hitting the gym or heading outdoors. Perhaps you can walk your dog before work, or take your child to the playground after dinner for some unwinding time.

"It's a great stress reliever and will do wonders for your emotional and physical well-being." When you learn to be good to yourself, you begin to assert self-confidence and others will treat you with more respect than ever before.


Supportive pals in challenging times

In the last year I have experienced many tough situations, from brain surgery to the end of a long-term relationship to the loss of a very important family member, and the thing that brings me the greatest joy is the fact that at only 28 years old I have the incredible opportunity to be able to acknowledge all of those people who have carried me through these difficult times.

Not many people at my age are given the chance to stop and really take a look at their life -- I have been given this gift in my very early years, so that I can stop and make the changes necessary to choose happiness in my life. This is not an easy path and I have been faced with many challenges along the way, but never alone. I have been given the gift of being able to accept help and support without feeling the shame of having someone lend you a hand -- this allows me to smile through my tears and lets me know that I have so many things to be thankful for every day.

Edit your definition of success

Avoid measuring your successes against someone else's standards. It's a no-win situation. Instead, set goals you would like to achieve and keep them manageable, simple and interesting enough so you stay focused.

"Don't expect to be perfect. Setting reasonable goals for yourself is key if you want to live a happy life – otherwise what you do will never be enough," says McDonough. For example, if you're a couch potato who wants to get moving again, set a goal of running a 5K – not a marathon. That way, your goal won't seem insurmountable and you will have a better chance of achieving it without getting discouraged.

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Remove "should have" and "what if" from your vocabulary

Having thoughts such as "I should be married by this age" or "what if I had chosen that job instead of the one I currently have?" only hinders your happiness and puts undue pressure on you. Clear away that mental clutter.

These nagging, persistent thoughts are generally a waste of time and energy and are often focused on things that are in the past. Shake them off and you'll have more energy to devote to following your passions and fulfilling your dreams for the future.


Stay away from negative thoughts and feelings 

Keeping negative thoughts and feelings bottled up inside will only cause you stress and worry. A reliable network of people who are close to you will help you face challenges and celebrate successes. 

Ditch the drama

We all have friends and family members in our lives who seem to be addicted to drama. Every event appears to be an ordeal and, by extension, you manage to get entangled.
Unravel yourself from their mess. While you can lend an ear of support and offer a few words of wisdom, you can't solve their problems, no matter how good your intentions are.

Start your daily happiness habit today, and the day will soon come when you won’t need to ask how to find happiness. Happiness will find you.

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