How to Achieve Instant Happiness [Part-1]

True happiness is an acceptance of life as it is given to us, with its mystery, uncontrollable and all. I believe that the ultimate gift in ...

True happiness is an acceptance of life as it is given to us, with its mystery, uncontrollable and all. I believe that the ultimate gift in life is to be happy. Figuring out how to have inner peace and happiness in your life is better than any material object that you could ever dream of having. If you are not really happy yet, here are the reason why you are not happy.

Have you ever felt like you’ve done everything that you possible could for your significant other and when you finally decided to say NO, they aren’t very pleased with you? You are the only person that can make YOU happy. Your spouse can’t make you happy. Your parent’s or your friends cannot make you happy.

How to Achieve Instant Happiness, Howto-be-happy-right-now
You could live in a beautiful mansion and have all money that you could ever imagine, but without happiness what is it all for.
No one can be responsible for your happiness! Your own true happiness must come from within.

Isn’t this what we all want deep down inside? Aren’t all our motives for doing things to reach some level of happiness?

However doesn’t it always seem that happiness is just right around the corner….. we are almost there but just need one more thing?

Unfortunately that illusion is what keeps us always one step away. But look around, there are people happy…. so what is their secret? Here it is…. are you ready….

Happiness lies in progress, and as long as you feel like you’re one step further today than you were yesterday, you’d be a happier person. So whatever aspect of life you may be dealing with, make a few changes every single day, and you’ll be so happy.

How to be happy right now

That’s right, if you are not happy right now you have to stop and ask yourself why. Chances are your happiness is really based on the false idea that you are missing something, that you need something.

That is just conditioning from the mind. Try saying this to yourself : “I need nothing else to be happy right now”. Keep saying that till you really believe it because once you understand that truth, anything is possible.

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet” ~ James Openheim
“Happiness is never stopping to think if you are” ~ Palmer Sondreal
So again ask yourself, am I really happy right now? If the answer is “No” then write down what you “think” will make you truly happy. Is it to lose weight? Is it with a new job? Is it a new special someone in your life? What are any of those thing going to bring to the table that you can’t have right now with the right outlook?

You can always have goals, you can always look for inspiring work, you can always enjoy the company of others… but to assume your happiness is dependent on it is just setting yourself up for the big let down.
A Bigger TV, a New Car, a Trip To the Islands, a New… You Don’t “Need” Them to be Happy.

Doesn’t mean you can’t do it or go buy it, just stop giving into the illusion that it will bring you “happiness”. It might give you a “thrill”, but those are always temporary… and then when the thrill goes and leaves you feeling like something else is missing. Then you need an even bigger TV, different car, another trip, etc.

The cycle of thrills is endless… and a one way ticket to never realizing daily happiness. Stop the cycle now, you don’t need anything at this present moment other than your own mind!

There may be a few things that you’ve been doing wrong, like bossing people around or ranting and arguing for donkey’s reasons.

Smile… Even If You Have to Force It

Ever notice how someone else’s smile can brighten your day? Even if you are feeling down, imagine being around positive smiling people… and suddenly it’s like you caught their energy for yourself.
Here’s what I believe to be a universal truth, energies attract.

“Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it.” ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky
So if you want to be around negative unhappy people… just be negative and unhappy yourself. If you want positive happy people around you… then start smiling and saying “I am happy right now because I don’t need anything else to be that way”.

Pretty soon you will be surrounded by the same type of people…. and the more people of like attitude and energy, the stronger it grows. Let’s face it, no one wants to be around someone who are negative, we all are attracted to positive happy people.

Laugh more too. Stop taking yourself or anyone else so seriously. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes, that is just life. Laugh it off and see how unimportant most trivial stuff really is.

Ditch the bad habits

This is the hardest one, bang on in the middle slot. You may have bad habits, and this isn’t restricted to booze or smoking, which seems to appear on pretty much anyone’s checklist of bad habits. Some people are lazy, some of us whine, and some of us hate getting dressed to go out. Ditch these habits. Only you know the small irritating habits that are holding you down.

If you want to be happy in life, you have to fill your mind with positivity and enthusiasm. Go on out there and be ready for life. Don’t let any bad habit of yours hold you back from being happy in life.

There is No Past… There is No Future

We spend so much time either wrapped up in what has happened to us or what will happen to us we forget that we only ever really have one thing, the present moment.

How many present moments have you wasted thinking back about something that happened to you in the past… or worrying about something that may or may not happen in the future (and that stress can be a downfall to your overall state of health too!).

Imagine what it would be like to just forget the past, not worry about the future and only do what we need to do in the present moment… pretty soon we can accomplish anything we want! This is the real secret to successful people who go on to do many great things!

As that is all results are, just a bunch of steps taken in the present that lead to an end result. No one ever wins at a sport all at once, they just focus on one action at a time and repeat.

Of course one should use the past and future wisely, such as learning (but not waste time regretting about) from past actions that may have not turned out the way we wanted them to and having goals of where we want to go. But isn’t that only useful if we use that reflection to determine what steps we need to take in each present moment along the way?

What good is history or goal setting if we don’t use it in some action in the present? None! Wasted energy! Stop over-thinking or talking and start putting into real action!

So..again, there is no past or future… just a series of present moments strung together to make up your life.

Learn Appreciation For What You Have Right Now

A great way to remind yourself that you don’t “need” anything else is to find ways to have an ongoing appreciation for what you do have right now. Whether that be your health, a job, a roof over your head, your family, freedom or anything else.

If you really looked around in the world there is always someone is worse off than you, but many can also still be the happiest person you ever meet! So it can’t be about what we have then can it?

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” ~ Frederick Keonig
The dangers of getting bored with someone or something is just because we no longer view them/it as we first did long ago. Did the person/object really change or was it just how you viewed them or your expectations that did?

Appreciate what you have right now, and you will realize that you really don’t need much else. Most learn this lesson too late.

Knowing how to be happy in life is a secret many can never understand. We struggle, save money and work hard just to fill our life with happiness, but can there be an easier way to understand how to be happy in life? If you have any, in your mind please write in the comment box, I'd like hear and share in the list next time. 

This is the first part of "How to be happy right now", I recommend you to read the next part >> How to achieve instant happiness [part-2] Next part publication date: 11 November 2016. 

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