10 Home Based Business Ideas For Work-at-Home Entrepreneurs

Looking for home based business opportunities to start a business in low-cost? To become an entrepreneur you need to start a profitable bus...

Looking for home based business opportunities to start a business in low-cost? To become an entrepreneur you need to start a profitable business. Identify the right business for you. Wherever you are right now, you can be a successful entrepreneur or serial entrepreneur. Find your business idea and start working.
Every business—from neighborhood to global—begins with an idea. The next General Motors or Wal-Mart or Microsoft will not spring forth fully developed from the back of an envelope. Big ideas need big funding. But your next job, or your next source of supplemental income, can begin with a small idea and grow from there.
The two keys to success in small business are these: 

  • Find something that makes good use of your skills and experience. 
  • Market that idea to people and businesses that need your product.
work-from-home home-business-ideas become-entrepreneurs start-a-business
General ways to build ideas that take advantage of this trend: Evaluate your marketing. Are you promoting the heck out of your "localness"? It's time to start. Be more local. Don't hide your local flavor, your accent, all the things that make you, your company and your product feel local. Flaunt it! Promote the environmental benefit. Buying local products reduces the transportation costs to the environment.

In the U.S, decades of irresponsible and unsustainable business practices have created an unstable economy, severe social inequities, and environmental degradation that threatens us all. New entrepreneurs are not wasting any time crafting a future that looks a lot brighter—one where small businesses provide products, services, training programs, and living wage jobs that preserve the future and lift people out of poverty. You can be a part of this new wave of entrepreneurship. 
Also read: 10 Deadly mistake to avoid when starting a business

10 Home Based Business Ideas For Work-at-Home Entrepreneurs

If you need here is how to write a perfect business plan, and why should you write a business plan, and also the mistake you must avoid.

The Healthy, Local Food Movement

Americans are increasingly concerned about food safety, childhood obesity, and the green-house gas emissions associated with transporting food long distances to reach consumers. This concern creates an opportunity for organizations offering healthy food grown locally without the chemicals and pesticides that can damage human and environmental health. Starting such an enterprise is a great way to support your local economy, promote community health, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Urban farms and gardens also
provide much-needed safe, outdoor areas for kids to play and interact with nature. 

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Share your space and your creativity

Take old buildings or structures, in town or out in a rural setting, and convert them for creative conference space and artistic residences. Probably an ideal project for a creative type struggling to decide on a business. Entrepreneur Evelyn Miller said, "There are lots of hidden assets in small towns, including inexpensive living space, peace and quiet, and the room to be creative." You could implement this as either a development project or as a for profit business. 

Window Cleaning

Windows get dirty. Retail businesses and offices need to present a clean and neat appearance to customers, but window washing is probably not in the CEO’s job description. Homeowners also want their houses to appear attractive from the outside and to be able to see the world without having to peer through a glass darkly. They may not have ladders, or the inclination  to  climb one, and otherwise lack the equipment to do a good job, especially on second-story windows.
You can charge by the hour for your services, or give a flat rate per window or for an entire house based on your estimate of the time required to complete the job. Include in your rate your cost for detergents and other chemicals and a portion of the cost of the equipment you must purchase.
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Create a Netflix style exchange

What if you could easily exchange business books? Steve Rucinski (www.smbceo.com) suggested this idea. "You subscribe, choose from a selection as many as you want, return them when you want. Would that work for used business books? They are like DVD's in that they are usually used
once, read in a few weeks and almost never looked at again."

Target the small town market. Make small towns your target market, and rural problems your specialty. The small town market is a smaller market, but radically under served. Just off the top of my head online banking, business coaching, accounting, and business signs could all be targeted specifically to rural and small town markets. Dana Wallert targeted the small towns around Lawrence, Kansas, for her virtual assistant and website design business. Farmers Only
(www.farmersonly.com) targets rural residents for their dating site. 

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Local jewelry

Customize jewelry to your state or city. State of Mine (www.stateofmine.com) uses state shapes with stones marking home towns. Extend this concept to keychains and other jewelry items. Look for local jewelers to help with manufacturing.

Sidewalk Stamping

A YOUNG MAN JUST COMPLETED a stamped concrete sidewalk at our country house. Although he has only a high school degree I paid him as a highly compensated professional for his unique ability. He attended one of my seminars and complained that he was stuck in a lowly construction job. I helped him explore the unique areas of competence he has and was blown away as he described this process for making poured concrete look like individually laid stones. 
We planned out a wide, curved sidewalk with a central circle to join two directions. He built the needed forms, borrowed the stamping forms from a friend, and arranged for the concrete to be delivered. I paid for the concrete when it arrived ($438) and deducted it from the $2000 price we had agreed on. As we have constant friends and visitors at our house, we were able to show his work immediately. His next job was an $11,000 driveway and sidewalk for our good friends. That gentleman’s brother then requested a $6000 project – and this young man went on to gross over
$100,000 in his first full year in business.  
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Local postcards personalized with your photo

Customize local photo postcards by adding a personal picture of the buyer to photos of local landmarks. German company Cosmocard (www.cosmoproducts.de/e_index.html) makes this easy with free standing vending machines. This type of business would be great at your local festivals, in your down town business area, or at the local souvenir shop.

Add value through local and organic foods

Local food and organic food are two ways to make a more profitable small farm, restaurant, cafe, food market, or other food business. Food borne illnesses have made headlines from huge commercial production and from imported foods. It's better for the environment because of the lower transportation distances. Local food producers of all kinds should capitalize on this opportunity. If you grow produce, get certified as organic or dedicate
more acres to organic items. Focus on local markets, promoting your local advantage. Develop direct marketing methods to go direct to consumers or consumer groups. Restaurants can seek out local partners and organic sources. If you serve local and organic items, promote it in all your marketing.

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AS MORE AND MORE PEOPLE WORK WHILE SITTING DOWN, the level of stress and tight muscles increases. If you’ve got a healing touch you may be a candidate for providing massages. You get the benefits of a low‐cost startup and the satisfaction of making the world a more peaceful, relaxing place.  Joanne and I get massages every Friday afternoon. One of reasons we chose our massage therapist is because she comes to our house, sets her table up in our spare bedroom and we take turns for our one‐hour massage. 
Then we are relaxed, ready for our Friday night date and an enjoyable evening. Now you may think you have to find wealthy clients to make this work. Not necessarily so. Joanne and I consider this an essential part of our health maintenance – not some extravagant luxury, but a legitimate method of removing toxins and stress from our busy lives. We are currently paying $60/hr. For both of us plus tip we pay $135 weekly.  

Buy local items to resell in larger markets

Take a local resource into a larger market. Find local sources of overstocks,
scraps or by products. Add some value by cleaning, researching, matching or
improving. Then take it to a larger market such as a larger city, an online auction, or on consignment in larger stores. It could be something as simple as buying local garden produce to resell in big city farmers' markets. 

Home Based Business Ideas For Work-at-Home Entrepreneurs
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