It's time to take Chrome seriously, Google's operating system

Google operating system names (technically Chromium) one of the best OS; Google has designed Chrome OS (not to be confused with the Chrome b...

Google operating system names (technically Chromium) one of the best OS; Google has designed Chrome OS (not to be confused with the Chrome browser), you can set up without leaving Windows.  

Which operating system would you choose for your new system?
Depending on your need you can use your preferable operating system, this can be windows 10, Linux, Google OS etc.

What is a Chromebook?

A Chromebook is a laptop of a different breed. Instead of Windows 10 or Mac OS X, Chromebooks run Google's Chrome OS.

Why It's Time to Take Google's PC Operating System Seriously

 It's time to take Chrome seriously, Google's operating system
For most of my working life, I have used Mac computers at home and Windows at work. But a couple of years ago, intrigued by the winds of change in computing - from the desktop to the cloud - I decided to give the Chromebooks, the laptops with the Google operating system a chance.

To my surprise, I currently use Chrome for all my non-mobile computing operations. Thanks to a continuous improvement in its usefulness and power, I am increasingly convinced that it is the future of computing.

This opinion is gaining followers. During the first quarter, sales of devices with the Chrome system in the United States outperformed those using the Apple Inc. Mac system, something unheard of. Chrome-based devices account for 2.5 percent of global desktop PC sales, according to Linn Huang, director of research at IDC. But the firm expects sales of devices with Chrome to increase nearly 30% this year in the US, exceeding the overall growth of the PC market.

This is why I agree: for most of the activities that people need to perform on a computer, Chrome is better. The operating system was designed to reside in the cloud, basically, a machine running a web browser. As a result, it does tasks that other operating systems do not do, but that we take for granted on mobile systems.

Chrome is fast, even on relatively weak hardware, which is why a Chromebook can cost less than $ 300 in the US. Like a mobile operating system, it is updated automatically. But unlike other systems, such updates are invisible, unavoidable, occur only in the background, and it seems that they never slow down the machine.

None of this is a product of chance, says Rajen Sheth, director of product management for Chrome. "What resonates with users is simplicity, security, ease of sharing and speed," he insists.

Chromebooks have had great success in the US educational market. In schools, their sales surpass those of the rest of the combined devices, thwarting Apple's offensive to advance the educational market with the iPad.

The next step is to jump from schools and fans like myself to the business world, a segment long dominated by the Windows system of Microsoft Corp.

Sheth points out that Chromebooks will be successful in part because of its ease of administration. It seems that Google has learned a lot since it launched Chrome in 2011 when it proclaimed that 75% of corporate users could switch from Windows to their operating system.

A key lesson has been to know that to enter the business market, technology companies have to satisfy information technology professionals, who select or help select suppliers. Since the end of 2014, Google has introduced Chromebooks for Work, which offers important features for IT managers, including security measures, including virtual private networks (VPNs), single sign-on, and digital certificates. The package comes with a new source of revenue for the Alphabet Inc. unit, in the form of a $ 50 per year Chromebook for Work fee.

At the same time, companies that manufacture Chromebooks, including Dell, HP, and Acer, are launching more expensive, more powerful and business-oriented devices. The new notebooks include large and better screens, keyboards and touch panels; Faster processors for users who keep dozens of tabs open; And covers made of carbon fiber and aluminum.

Why It's Time to Take Google's PC Operating System Seriously

Finally, Google has announced that by October, Chromebooks will be able to run almost all two million Android applications. That will make Chromebooks, long considered limited functionality without an Internet connection, considerably more useful. Existing Chromebooks can work well even if they are not connected to the internet, but only with Google applications. Being able to use programs such as Microsoft Office for Android tablets when not online will be welcomed by users who depend on that software. "We're seeing there's a lot of interest in Chrome for big US companies," says Huang. By 2018, IDC projects that 25% of Fortune magazine's 500 companies will equip their employees with a Chromebook.

Anyway, the challenges that Chrome faces in the business world are substantial, warns the analyst at IDC. One of the main is simply inertia. The prevalence of Windows for decades means that many businesses have hundreds, even thousands, of older applications that only work on Windows. Right now, Google's solution is to run these applications on Windows servers and allow Chromebooks to connect remotely, essentially placing these legacy applications in the cloud.

In the long run, Chromebooks could become a temporary factor in the history of computing or the system that eventually ends up with the Windows domain in companies. My bet is that Chrome will land somewhere in between, part of the ever-growing collection of technologies we all use, including mobile and desktop operating systems.

But I am also willing to bet that Chrome will be a much bigger business for Google than anticipated and that Apple and Microsoft, who have been indifferent or defensive about the advance of Google in their traditional bastions, should take note.

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