Recognize Your Small Victories & Celebrate Your Small Wins

Celebrate the small victories of entrepreneurship: Do you know small wins can boost inner work life tremendously? Do you celebrate your sma...

Celebrate the small victories of entrepreneurship: Do you know small wins can boost inner work life tremendously? Do you celebrate your small victories? Recognize and celebrate your small successes, in personal and professional life. At-least take a minute to celebrate small wins. This is a good time to remember, evaluate and revive failures but also celebrate the small victories of entrepreneurship.

Why should you recognize small victories & celebrate?

Recognizing small victories increases your inner power and encourage you and your team to do more to become successful. It's a key to stay motivated, focused, and inspiring for future success. 

Recognize Your Small Victories & Celebrate Your Small Wins
Here are few key reasons to celebrate small success:
  • Entrepreneurs celebrate small successes to create a wave of constant positivity that will give them the impression of daily “success.”
  • There will also be failures. To be successful,
  • By recognizing a small success you breed more success. Focusing on small wins helps you break down a large goal into manageable chunks.
  • Small wins lead to bigger successes. 
  • Creating small wins goes a long way in building career, regardless what industries you work for.  
  • Celebrating small wins is a great way to bring your team together. 
  • Small victories campaign can positively affect the lives of employees by improving engagement.
We are already finishing the year and we all invaded the need to evaluate the achievements and, even if we do not like it, also evaluate the frustrations of the year. No one wants to do it unless you have been one of the few lucky entrepreneurs who turned your company into a unicorn or got all the financing it needed to keep growing.
Tip: No success is too small to celebrate. So celebrating small successes to achieve the big one.

For those who do not, it is up to us to decide whether we want to live another year with this financial uncertainty, with the ups and downs of emotions about whether or not we are doing what we want to do or if we are definitely going to throw in the towel and look for that ideal salary or That dream post. I have seen a couple who had to file bankruptcy and empty offices, others dissolved societies, others went "boards".

Also read: 10 Time management tips to be successful

And I say we go, boards, because we survived and still do not want to throw the towel even when things moved slower than we would have liked, negotiations did not come out and we had to go through many painful changes.

"But you wanted to be an entrepreneur."

The power of small wins, Recognize your small victories

Entrepreneurs, this is the time of year when, if you were not of the lucky ones mentioned above, you will probably feel a little depressed because it does not reach you for the Christmas gift you wanted to give your mother, because you will not be able to go on vacation to The beach as you had been dreaming all year, because you did not achieve that sales goal or had problems with some providers that come back to your life in the form of a Christmas e-card, because you do not know if you can pay bonuses (if you have employees Plant) or if you can at least invite your work team to dinner.

One of my partners gave him a delicious recipe, the other something more in line with his personality. We are at that stage of the venture where we spend quality time talking about the future of the business and our personal problems are the reward and sufficient gift for the dynamics. In which a gift represents a tool to reduce costs or optimize results.

Such is the entrepreneurship at times, one welcomes small achievements that no one outside the process could value.
That's why this is a good time to remember, evaluate and revive failures but also celebrate small victories: when you paid small taxes because your accountant did magic, when you delivered everything on time and nobody had to work overtime, when you finally convinced Someone who did not want to try your product, when your parents admitted that they admired your effort, when you could invite a beer to your best friend because "you had a little left."
"Success doesn't comes in a big way, with small wins we achieve power to gain biggest success." Said a Sant from Small Victory for Entrepreneur Athen Muller.
Celebrate then, only among entrepreneurs will understand these triumphs in times like these. Only we know how much it hurt to get to finish the year and us a panic adds that we are to see the next one arrive. Any entrepreneur who reads political or financial news knows that if he threw himself as a kid on a slide in 2016 to run a business, by 2017 the climb will be even more difficult.

It is not my intention to be pessimistic. Nor am I going to tell them to leave everything and return to the life of a position and a stable salary, with benefits and everything. No. Because the good news is we're not alone in this.

Entrepreneurs we have many trying to get our ideas forward and if, although it sounds corny, follow our dream. And we have to keep trying, we'll still be fools until we fail completely. And then we are going to get back up because the entrepreneurial support network is huge and every day grows more. We are going to get up again and put our heads up because we, although scraped, can say with certainty that we try and we do not stay with the desire.

How did you do in the year? What is the small victory that will motivate them to continue in 2017?

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