3 Ways to Feel More Confident at Work

How to appear more confident at work? When you lose confidence at work, what should you do to regain work power?  The level of security we ...

How to appear more confident at work? When you lose confidence at work, what should you do to regain work power? 
The level of security we exhibit is as important as the level of preparedness we demonstrate in certain situations.

It's happened to me a few times in my life, and maybe it's happened to you. I am in a risky situation (interviewing the prime minister, leading a major meeting, giving a speech in front of many people) and suddenly my mind goes elsewhere, and I wonder why someone will have trusted me to do this.

3 Ways to Feel More Confident at Work
As time has passed, I think less about it and spend my time on more productive things. But still, I always think about it, especially when I enter a territory that is unfamiliar to me.

This kind of thinking is usually called impostor syndrome. I have talked to many people, women especially, to realize that most of us feel that way sometimes because we have a crisis of confidence.

It is important that we solve this because the level of trust that we exhibit can be as important as the ability we have to succeed in different situations. Trust is what gives us the courage to act competently. I share three strategies to make you feel more secure in what you do. The first two come from investigations that have received a lot of attention from the media, the latter is based on my own experience.

1. Change the way you talk to yourself. 

There is a great story of Laura Starecheski on the curious science of speaking alone. It turns out that many of us scold or criticize in ways that destroy our confidence and affect our behavior. Researchers say it is very effective counter this negative attitude thinking better things positive.

This may sound silly, look at you in the mirror and say "I'll give a great speech today!" May not revolutionize our self-perception and may even feel like a self-affirmation. In fact, it can stress you even more. But research shows that if we talk in the third person, things go better. Apparently, using the third person will give us some emotional distance and allow us to give that motivational speech that we would provide to someone else.

2. Change the way you behave. 

It turns out that not only our thoughts can shape our confidence, our movements as well. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy did a study on nonverbal cues and how they affect us.

If we learn and become smaller, we feel that we have less confidence. If we have a pose of power, we feel powerful and are perceived as such. Our body changes our mind, says Cuddy. Your advice to avoid impostor syndrome? Take two minutes to adopt a pose of power before entering a challenging situation. As she puts it "if you feel you should not be in a place, pretend. Do not pretend until you get it - fake it until you become that. "

3. Change your self-description. 

None of us are perfect, we all make mistakes regularly. When I take over this part of myself and am open to my imperfections and mistakes, I feel paradoxically more confident. There is something about changing my personal humility and failure that makes me feel stronger. It allows me to be better at apologizing, learning from my mistakes, and growing. It is somewhat uncomfortable, but it gives me power in a certain way. I have control of my own narrative, regardless of mistakes.

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