10 Tips on How to Become a More Creative and Productive Writer

I won't lie to you. Becoming a great writer isn't an easy task. However, you can improve your writing skill by reading more novels...

I won't lie to you. Becoming a great writer isn't an easy task. However, you can improve your writing skill by reading more novels, article and great writers publications. Below are nine tips for better writing.

"I don't like writing. But I like having written."
Don't we all? We love the end result, the sense of achievement and creative accomplishment. But the most difficult thing for most writers is the simple fact of getting started. This is the usual scenario:

A great idea comes to mind while you are in the shower. By the time you are dry enough to turn on the computer, you have forgotten what it was. You stare blankly at the screen of equipment. Nothing.

10 Tips on How to Become a More Creative and Productive Writer
Get up and fix a cup of coffee. Nothing. Check the email. Check your Facebook page. Read other people's Facebook pages. Resist the temptation to play Angry Birds. I have to write something. HELP!
"A great idea comes to mind while you are in the shower."  

How to become a better creative writer

Here are six quick tips to get yourself off (followed by four more advice on how to apply them in the real world).
  1. Take note
  2. Try freewriting
  3. Draw a mind map
  4. Play with your pet
  5. Thank
  6. Check structure, grammar, and spelling

1. Take notes

Creativity and innovation can not be planned. Ideas can come out of nowhere, often at the most inopportune times (see the shower, above). Be prepared to capture those ideas when they occur, rather than forcing them to be created later.

Keep a notebook and a pen or recording device by the bed, in the kitchen, on your desk. Use Evernote on your computer, tablet, and/or smartphone. This free application contains information from everywhere and compiles correctly in one place for later retrieval by keyword search.

From the images to the web pages of the travel itineraries, everything is stored for easy access.
Also read: How to Write A Stunning Headline That Getting Readers Attraction

2. Treat freewriting

This technique is designed to prime the pump, to get something flowing, even if it does not make any sense.

You just have to write, current-style awareness, anything that comes to mind. Do not think about style, grammar or punctuation. We must have the writing. If an old lullaby or surfaces of silly songs, you write.

In a short time, the brain has been emptied of clutter and some ideas that make sense will come to the surface. Voila! You are writing!

3. Draw a mind map

Most people know what mental maps are. The easiest way to describe it is an outline in the form of an image. The key to efficient use of mind maps is to create your own personal style, not try to follow the format of another person.

First, they do it in color - lots of colors. Get a set of crayons on your desk and have a bunch of eraser paper on hand. Start with keywords and add pictures if desired. Write down each theme or idea in no particular order. Later you can go back and number them, so that makes sense.

Now you have an outline - you are organized and ready to write.

4. Play with your pet

Play with your dog Or your cat, hamster, goldfish - whatever.

Not writing when you think it must be written creates a tension that actually closes the flow of creativity. This creates more stress and keeps pace.

Break the cycle.

Go outside and throw the ball to Fido. Watch the hummingbirds in your garden, feel the breeze on your face. (Note: this method does not work in Minnesota in January.) Being alone, Don't have a goal or a time limit. 
Also read: 6 Ways to Improve Your English Writing Skills

5. Give thanks

Feeling creatively blocked makes you irritable and anxious as if the world and all its uses are conspiring against you. Instead of giving into a "poor me" attitude, write down all the things you are grateful for.

Start with the work you have that requires you to write in the first place. Expressing gratitude produces a positive energy flow. As you begin to feel the happiness in your heart for the blessings large and small, instantly relax.

When you feel good inside, you are open to creative energy.
"You can attempt Grammarly using a free premium membership to improve your writing skill." 

6. Check structure, grammar, and spelling

Do you know the essentials of language structure? Would you like an apparatus to help edit your writing? 

Grammarly, a sentence structure checker for editing articles, book parts, and blog entries. The excellent adaptation of this language structure checker will help you recognize more sentence structure blunders in your archive than a conventional free linguistic use controller, and it gives itemized data about every mistake (i.e. it's a review help). 

You can attempt Grammarly using a membership that will cost you $29 every month. However, for our blog readers, we have a special promo offer, where you can get seven days free premium Grammarly account by registering through this link

Why are these five ideas relevant?

Because the success of your entire marketing strategy hangs on your ability to apply creativity and innovation in ways that will save you time and money.

Creativity in writing is an important first step, whether you are blogging, Twitter, or writing a proposal for the client.

But, like dropping a stone into a pond, once you develop the ability to activate your creativity, the impact will extend to other parts of your work life and the people you work with.
Also read: 13 Keys to Improve Your Writing Skills

Here are four ways to spread the creative wealth that throughout your work day, your team, and your entire organization.
  1. To play
  2. Great idea
  3. To collaborate
  4. Takes risks

7. Play

Children are the most creative beings on the planet. Take a page out of a child's book and design a work environment where people feel free to get a little crazy.

For example, did you know that you can buy wallcoverings and even paint that you can write and draw on? What if people felt free to draw on the walls of their office?

Make your workplace space where creativity happens naturally.

8. Brainstorm

Bring people together for weekly brainstorming meetings.

The first and only rule is that there are no bad ideas. Have a particular topic, such as saving money on office supplies or how to save a customer who is about to leave the ship. Write everything on a whiteboard (or wall!). When people sit down to share their free ideas, you will be amazed at what comes out. Once the ideas of getting the balance, synergy occurs. People will play with each other and expand and improve the ideas of others. Resist the idea that you do not have time for those things.

Instead of being a waste of time, productive meetings really save time - time can be invested in making your business more productive and profitable.

9. Collaborate

Follow up on your brainstorming meetings with innovation teams. These teams can be anywhere from two to four people who take the ideas generated in the reflection sessions and make them work.

Circle back to the entire team with progress reports, which keeps the flow of creative flow and rewards people for taking action. Collaboration can occur either in person or in a virtual environment, using one of the many electronic tools available for online meetings, another saving of time and money to add to your arsenal.

10. Take risks

To succeed, people must be free to fail. If you and your people are afraid of taking risks, you will be able to plod through your days of work without much enthusiasm and excitement.

With nothing to fuel your creativity, your marketing goals (and, ultimately, your business) will wither. To address the serious deficiency of risk taking, one company established a "Golden Turkey Award" (already copied by many others). This award was given to the person or team with the most spectacular failure. Given publicly, the award encouraged people to learn from failures rather than a lament for them.

Are you working from a place where risk and potential failure are forbidden? How is that working for you?

To you ...
Applied creativity is the first step towards the better organization, better time management, greater commercial success, and better writing.

These nine tips are a starting point, the first steps to becoming a more creative and productive writer.

What measures are you taking today?

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