Creative Ideas
What Should You Post On Instagram | 10 Ideas for Creating Original Contents
9:54 AMI'll admit, I definitely struggle with this on my own account. I'll get this feeling of anxiety when I haven't posted anything in a few days. In a pinch, with nothing new to share, I completely understand the impulse to post an image that's a little off-brand or low quality, just to have uploaded something...
If you recall some of the information that was discussed in this post. Here's what we know...- As a brand or business, we need to BE ACTIVE on Instagram to keep our followers interested + engaged.
- We can't just post all willy-nilly, off-brand crap, or we will risk seeing a lot of those followers jump ship.
- The best way to accomplish posting THE RIGHT content for your brand on a regular basis, is to schedule it in advance.
If you are (yay! thanks for hanging in there)...You may already have a handful of ideas about the sort of photo or video content that you want to share, or that you already know works well. But, what do you do when you run out of ideas? How do you keep it interesting + still relevant to your brand without everything coming off super "sales-y"? What do you do when the posts start feeling redundant? #HALP!
Today I am sharing ten content ideas for you to mull over the next time you sit down to plan your posts. If your brain ever turns to mush (a constant problem with creative minds), you can reference this list of starting points. Think about your specific brand or business, and see if you can find ways to incorporate these concepts into your unique visual content strategy.
Also read: How To Make Money On Instagram: 4 Ways You Can Earn Through Instagram
How Brands Are Using Instagram Stories?
People are curious. By showing some of the work being done behind the curtain, you are tapping into their voyeuristic nature + allowing them to see something that's not often shared. Maybe you give them a peek at your home office or your business' back-of-house that's usually reserved for "Employees Only." You could share the progress of a current project, the making of a hair/makeup tutorial or take them behind the scenes of a photo shoot. Everyone wants to feel special + be granted VIP access, so this is a way for you to make that happen for your biggest fans.NO 2. HIGHLIGHT A PRODUCT OR SERVICE
If you're in business, you're most likely selling SOMETHING. Whether that's a physical product, or you offer some sort of professional service, you should find a way to show that off in an aesthetically pleasing way. The delicate art of being a business on Instagram is really in the balancing act of sharing + selling. Meaning, you can't just blatantly blast your advertisements in front of your followers faces 100% of the time and expect them to stick around. Figuring out how to showcase what you offer in a way that fits naturally within the parameters of a visual platform, (like Instagram), and doesn't feel like a constant sales pitch, is key.Also read:
Five Awesome Ways to Use Instagram to Make Better Career Moves
How to use Instagram for Business: 4 Key Steps for Beginners
Think about your business' core values, or your company's mission statement. Is there some way to use words, maybe through lovely hand-lettering, or smart font pairing, to convey its message in the form of motivational, text-driven images? Maybe you have a well-known tagline or catchphrase that people already associate with your brand. With these quotes + phrases in mind, you can create your own text images relatively simply with apps like Canva or Pablo. Or, if graphic text elements aren't brand-right for your business, you could still get really creative with how you share any message. Cut the words out of a magazine (ransom note style!), spell it with alphabet soup, or have an airplane write it in the sky... I don't know, it's your business, go crazy!NO 4. FLAT LAY OR STYLED IMAGE
The most popular type of photo on Instagram (aside from the selfie) is the flat lay, sometimes referred to like an outfit grid (for clothing related images). And, it's exactly what it sounds like. The product is laid out flat, and the photo is taken from an aerial point of view. You can create a flat lay image with ANY product, not just clothing. In fact, I wrote a post about 5 ways to FLAT LAY here. As always, think about your personal brand + how you can best represent your product or ideas with this sort of composition.Also read: 7 Ways to Improve Your Instagram Marketing