Get Rich
There Are Only Five Ways To Get Rich
7:34 PMDo you want to be a millionaire? Stop shrinking your mind to "fit in" when it should "stand out."
There are many definitions of what it means to be rich.
Being a millionaire is more a mental state than an amount of money in the bank. The reality is that the rich can be poor and the poor can be rich. For example, having wealth can mean a happy family living in a small house. On the other hand, a family can have a banquet and not have a good relationship.
Moreover, being rich is not about having everything. The ideal situation would be to have a little of everything: a happy family with a big banquet but to love yourself above all else. However, attaining this kind of wealth along with financial freedom, you must compromise.
You should also be able to enjoy your money. Some people work thousands of hours, but ignore loved ones in the process. Others focus so much on the fun part of life that they never meet their obligations. Obviously, reaching a balance will help you find true abundance.
Here are five ways you can become rich:
1. Adopt the "Producer's Mindset."
You must make tremendous changes of thought to move from consumer to producer. Some examples: consumers eat pizza, producers make pizza; Consumers watch movies, producers make movies; Consumers are looking for work, producers are giving jobs. And only the producers become rich.The producer's goal is not to eat, but to feed people. Naturally, these people should consume something, but it is not their primary aim. Instead of looking for their next meal, they are more interested in making sure that others have something to eat, knowing that in the process they will be able to eat as well.
Whether these producers are open-hearted, selling books, or building skyscrapers, they have learned to create products and services that help others. If you study millionaires up close, you will see that most of them deliver a valuable service to millions of people. When you change your mentality, you also become rich.
Also read:
10 Reasons Why You Are Not a Millionaire Yet
How to Become a Millionaire: Simple Method
2. Know how much you are worth a day
How much are you a day? Have you calculated what your real wage should be? Do you know how long it would take to be a millionaire if you made $ 4,000 a day? If you're making $ 100 per day, you should try to double that figure. Just imagine if you did more than you already do daily. For example, when I first started my business my day was worth $ 200. Since I did not want to stay in that number, I looked for ways to improve my business and the experience of my clients.The question is what do you do every day to increase the value of your workday. If you make 10 sales calls a day, try increasing them. If you care for a child, try opening a daycare. And of course, not to work more cuts the quality of your services.
3. Sacrifice EVERYTHING
The vast majority of people are afraid to make sacrifices because they think they will lose something. A single mother will not buy a $ 200 book that could help her earn an extra $ 20,000. It is the same mother who does not invest in it but who will gladly spend on a video game of the same price for her son because it will make him happy.Before you become rich, you must be poor. Unlike lottery winners and heirs to vast and old families, you have to pay the price and sacrifice everything to win everything. You must be able to handle the bad to receive the right. There will be many times when you will have to pass some prizes to focus on the "Great Goal," which is always worth it.
To find out why things are worth risking, ask yourself, "What is the worst that can happen if I dare do this?" And then ask yourself, "What's the best thing that can happen if I do this?" You will usually find that the only thing that stops you from doing new things is money. However, you must be able to sacrifice everything to get your dreams, until your last weight.
4. Only do millionaire activities
One of the things that kill the wealth of a person faster is that it stays in a place of poverty. Many times, humans place themselves in places filled with poor people. And I do not mean people with little money.When I was a teenager, I used to play basketball with negative people in dangerous places. I always exposed myself to harmful behavior. Maybe I did not always follow the example of the other young people, but I was influenced by their environment.
Many people learn to tolerate harmful conditions like this and do not realize how much power gossip, violence, and drama have on their lives. They forget that if they are not prosperous, they are poor. Find out how you can be a part of millionaire activities. For me, instead of playing basketball, I started going to stores to see how I wanted my future to be. And that changed my life.
5. Use your talents
We all have natural talents. Some people have a lot, while others stand out in one. No matter what your case, you must use what was given. Many times, people go through life discounting what they are worth when they should cultivate their abilities and surround themselves with people who appreciate them.Finding your talents and skills can be tricky. Schools, religious and workplaces hardly encourage people to use their capacities, many people renounce them because of social pressures. These forces reduce the human soul to "fit in" rather than "stand out." Remember that at the end of your life, you will wonder what you did with your gifts.
The money is printed every day for you. Be sure to take what is right for you. Money is a tool that will allow you to dedicate yourself to what you like the most. It stops "surviving" and begins to "live."