10 Killer Tactics To Increase Website Traffic

To become a successful blogger or online entrepreneur, you must know " how to increase website traffic ?" Driving quality traffic ...

To become a successful blogger or online entrepreneur, you must know "how to increase website traffic?" Driving quality traffic to your blog is one of the most common challenges for new bloggers. Lack of website traffic can get you out of your business. You should continuously find ways to drive quality website traffic from google (including other search engine) and social media.
Fuel-up your website traffic and become a successful online marketer, business person by growing your sell and revenue.

The Internet is full of websites and blogs and this means you may have to work a bit harder to seize the results that you crave. The key to being successful in any business will demand that you have the right amount of customer.

10 Simple and Effective Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic
This article is an attempt to give marketers and business owners a whole battery of straight-to-the-point, actionable tips for getting traffic to your website or blog, regardless of the type of business you have.

10 Killer Tactics to Increase Your Blog Traffic

Be sure to start putting these methods to work for you!
  • Blog, blog, blog more

The more content you write and get published online the greater the chance you can increase your traffic. Blogging really does drive traffic. Be sure to set aside so much time per week to get your writing completed and work to provide informative content. If you are going to start blogging, don't forget to focus on the content quality. Quality content is more important than quantity.
This will take more effort, but the end results are that you will be capable of getting more business by blogging more on a weekly basis.
  • Focus on long-tail keywords 

By far one of most effective ways for you to get potential customers to your blog is by incorporating keywords that may be searched in a search engine when a person is looking for an item. The keywords should be spread out through informative content that is about the products you’re blogging about to others. But you shouldn't focus only one keyword per page/ article. Its better to focus on multiple Keywords for a single article. Make sure your posts include all the relevant terms and phrases related to your topic. Its better to use long-tail keywords. In my experience, long-tail keywords works better for small websites and blogs. Studies do show that 93% of purchases made online do begin by using the search engine.
It’s ideal to do a bit of research to determine the best keywords to use and stick to about two – three percent keyword density. This should be enough for others to find you and hopefully, make a purchase.
Related: Free Keyword research tools and tutorials 
  • Optimize your site for SEO

You should always keep search engine optimization in the forefront of your mind, and always follow best practices. You should be concerned with is making your site look as good as possible for the search engine robots that will be crawling your website. Software like SEMrush can give you a complete SEO audit and show you what you should fix. Spending time on your site’s SEO optimization is always time well spent. Learn what SEO is, the basics of search engine optimization, and practical SEO strategies for making sure your site is optimized for organic search traffic.
  • Post on Social Media

These days the internet is full of places that people tend to congregate daily basis. You can get a tremendous amount of traffic to your blog when you rely on social media to assist you in doing so and make money blogging. In fact, for many blogs, social media traffic is even more important than search engine traffic.
  • Facebook re-marketing

Facebook is a great promotion tool whether you’re in the B2B or B2C industry. But did you know you can set up re-marketing audiences in Facebook? By installing a Facebook tracking pixel on your site you can continue to market to customers who have visited your site. This is a great way to create return traffic to your business blog or website. And you can start re-marketing to audiences as small as 100 visitors.
  • Guest post on relevant blogs

Guest blogging helps you gain traffic, But there’s not much point guest blogging on a site in an unrelated niche; make sure you only contribute to highly-relevant, high-quality sites in your niche. The key to building traffic is to take advantage of someone else's traffic first. Find your competitor website or blog and steal their traffic by high quality guest blogging.
Contributing to other websites is a great way to drive traffic to your site. If you can become a guest contributor on an authority site like Huffington Post or Forbes, you not only drive targeted traffic to your site, but establish yourself as an expert in your field.
You can write for this blog too. Start here
  • Focus on Video Marketing

According to my knowledge by reading various blog, research and survey results, 52% of marketers think that video content has the highest return on investment of all content marketing strategies. Video consumption has grown rapidly over the last few years and is forecast to reach over 80% of all internet traffic by 2019. The growth of video has not only seen the opportunity to share content increase but to have it watched by a larger audience as well.  It is important to place a video strategically so it can work for you. We recommend using video alongside your other marketing activities and devices such as white papers, newsletters, event invitations, blogging, research papers and podcasts.
When posting videos to your blog from third-party sources, make certain these are informative and will attract the right amount of intrigue and interest from the viewer. This will help keep a potential customer looking and listening while reading what you have to offer on your blog.

related: 10 Brutal Marketing mistake you shouldn't make  
  • Exchange blog posts with other sites

Syndicating your blog on other sites is a great way to drive new audiences to your site. A great way to do this is to search for blogs that are in a similar industry as you and that are in a similar situation in terms of size and audience. Then, you reach out to their editor or site administrator and ask if they’d like to swap blog articles and you each take turns featuring each other’s blogs and linking back to the site.
  • Update old post 

We often get so busy writing new blog posts, that we miss editing and updating old posts. But its important to update old post to make sure the better chance to get traffic through search engine like google. Comb through your old posts to make sure they have unique and relevant title tags, URLS and meta descriptions. Go through your old posts to see if there are new posts that you can link to. This is great for your readers, as they are supplied with even more information about relevant topic. 
  • Use Stumble to get Huge Targeted traffic

Imagine getting a tonne of traffic to your blog with a 10 second submission of a link. How to increase StumbleUpon traffic for your blog? StumbleUpon is one of the best traffic generators among the top seven social media sites, referring more than other social bookmarking and voting sites such as Digg and Reddit according to Statcounter
Follow us on StumbleUpon so we will be able to follow you back. 
Read this step by step guide to get millions of visitor from StumbleUpon.
You can begin to see a steady increase in the amount of traffic to your blog when you start to use the tips listed above. This is sure to motivate you to blog more and to stay active at working to have more customers and increased profits over time.

10 Killer Tactics To Increase Website Traffic
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