How To Be Single After a Long Relationship: Seven Tips
5:23 AMSo many people are seeking the answers; how to be single again after a long term relationship? Yes its possible! If dating resumes were a thing, mine would show past relationships
lasting between three months and two years. Some people may think the
duration of these relationships were incredibly long. Like, ball to my
boyfriends’ chain long (or is it chain to their ball?) Other people may
say, “two years? Honey, please, I’ve been in my relationship for five years, you’ve got nothing on me.” The
thing is that everybody has his or her own definition of long term. I
considered a few of my relationships long term, but they all
piggy-backed off of one another, allowing little time for me to feel
single in the past four years.
Now that I have had time and space away from them, I know a thing or
two about reverting back to being single after only knowing how to be in
a relationship.