How to Rank High on Bing Search Engine: 15 Bing SEO Tips

Bing search engine optimization tips or free SEO tools for Bing is Bing itself. Learn how to use Bing Search engine optimization with fre...

Bing search engine optimization tips or free SEO tools for Bing is Bing itself. Learn how to use Bing Search engine optimization with free seo tools. Google and Bing Search Engine are the major search engine in the internet market. Bing Search (known previously as Live Search, Windows Live Search, and MSN Search) is a web search engine.

Rank High on Bing Search Engine
Out there are so many tutorial or article for Google SEO, SEO factors but a very few people write or talks about Bing Search. But as a website owner you cannot ignore/skip Bing SEO terms. Yes Google is the biggest giant for SEO but The truth is that Bing’s market share is expanding day by day, very little of its growth is the result of seizing any part of the market that Google has dominated for years.

Ranking on Bing for your targeted keywords is an easy process. This article lists 15 tips to rank high on Bing search.

1. Use Bing Webmaster Free SEO Tools

Similar to Google, Microsoft also provides statistics for webmasters through Bing Webmaster Tools (This is free seo tools for Bing Search Engine Optimization) You should sign your website up on Bing Webmaster Tools and submit a sitemap. You can analyze various statistics of your site through Bing Webmaster Tools: impressions, clicks, crawl rate, etc. Using Bing Webmaster Tools, you can analyze your website well and identify the areas of improvement.

2. Quality, Unique Content

Bing identifies pages with thin content and chooses most of the time not to index them, unlike Google, which indexes them anyway but ranks them down. The best way to rank high on Bing is by coming up with highly targeted unique content. The user experience (design, navigation, loading time, ads-to-content ratio, etc.) of your website is also an important deciding factor of success. Also, make sure that your content is free of grammar and punctuation errors. Instead of using any SEO tools, write great unique content, this will automatically give you 100 time boost than a SEO tools.

3. On-Page SEO

For Bing, all things that you normally do for on-page optimization for Google apply. Your website should have a proper title tag, description, meta tags, alt tags for images, heading tags to separate text, and targeted keywords on articles. You should focus on doing proper keyword research before writing content, since that can help you rank better for some specific keywords. 

4. Use Microdata

Bing values Microdata as much as Google does. This protocol to properly identify content has been developed by Bing, Google, and Yahoo. rich snippets can be included in your web pages to identify a specific person, review, company, image, recipe, multimedia content, etc. The schema is used to identify the semantic relationships existing between various elements. If you use it properly, you will be contributing positively to the web.

5. Authorship

Bing has entered into a partnership with Klout, and through this partnership, they have developed their own Authorship version, which allows people to claim ownership of their content when someone else uses it without placing it in quotations. The more content that a site owner owns across the web, the higher their overall ranking will be.
Rank High on Bing Search Engine
15 Bing SEO Tips

6. Be Socially Active

One of Bing’s major requirements is being active on the social media scene. You need to have as many followers, likes, and shares as you can achieve. Focus on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for getting your content listed and ranking faster on Bing. Create social media sharing buttons on your web pages in order to help people share your content easily.

7. Click-Through Rate

Bing Search Engine will measure a sites CTR from the Bing search result pages, and it will adjust the ranking of sites accordingly. you can check your CTR by using
Bing Webmaster Tools (Free SEO Tools powered by Bing Search Engine)

8. On-Page Factors

For Bing Search also, on-page optimization factors are very important. Make sure your content is keyword-rich. Bing requires you to have relevant keywords in a density closer to 2 percent. HTML tags such as titles and headings should be keyword-rich as well. Also, ensure that you don’t have keyword stuffing anywhere.

9. Flash Content

This is significant because of the fact that Google does not crawl flash websites, but Bing does crawl flash and they give credit to sites that use it. If your site has flash content then Bing SEO is ideal for you.

10. Website Structure

You need to improve the navigation structure of your website in order to facilitate faster crawling by the Bing bot. SEO-friendly URLs, faster navigation menus, sitemaps, etc., can help Bing index your content faster. Use RSS feeds and XML sitemaps to ensure that the content is indexed by the search engine. Also, do away with Flash and AJAX content, as they cannot be interpreted by Bing.

11. Geographical Signals

Bing search takes into account the geography of a web page more than Google. The search engine continuously tries to identify which country a particular web page is appropriate for. Geographical signals that Bing uses include the IP address, server location, top-level domain, location of the backlinks, meta GEO tags, etc.

12. Page Authority

Bing search gives a significant amount of value to page authority, which is something that has to be built over time. Therefore, it is difficult for new sites to climb up the rankings with Bing search. The algorithms being used by Bing search give priority to matured domains. This is good to know when considering revamping an existing site. It will be best to keep the existing URL, and simply amend the existing the content. Unique content also carries more weight than recycled and common data.

13. Reduce Bounce Rate

Reduce Bounce Rate for Bing Search
These days, bounce rate is more important for SEO than it used to be. Bounce rate is the rate of visitors that leave a web page after visiting only one page. There can be a number of reasons for this: the website navigation is not appropriate; the web page is not interesting enough; the web page doesn’t provide additional links where important information can be found; etc. In your website, try to provide maximum value to the visitors by providing unique, useful content and links to other exciting internal pages. Make your visitors at home by providing the content and navigation faster. There are lots of free SEO tools to check Bounce Rate including Google Webmaster Tools and
Bing Webmaster Tool.

14. Relevant Links and Anchor Text

One of the most important aspects of ranking for Bing search is bringing in high-quality, authority links with appropriate anchor text. Guest-blogging (not spammy guest-blogs), article marketing, sponsorship, etc., can help you earn links.

15. Select carefully your Domain name

The domain name was always important in SEO for 2 primary reasons: First of all when a result comes from a domain that contains keywords, Bing tends to give it a boost for queries that contain that term. Secondly because the domain belongs to a specific TLD and this can be used as a GEO signal (for country specific TLDs only). 

Thus selecting the domain name carefully can have a serious impact on your rankings. Of course very long domains or domain names that contain lots of dashes should be avoided because they look spammy and they are not very user friendly.

To me, Ranking for Bing search is also important. Bing controls a major percentage of worldwide searches. If I rank well on this search engine, I am sure to get more visitors to my blog and thereby more business leads. To me Bing webmaster is a great SEO tools to optimize, no need to use any third party software.

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